Android Developer Fundamentals
This page lists the practical codelabs that are included in the Android Developer Fundamentals course. see the course overview.
Unit 1: Get started
Lesson 1: Build your first app
- 1.1: Android Studio and Hello World
- 1.2 Part A: Your first interactive UI
- 1.2 Part B: The layout editor
- 1.3: Text and scrolling views
- 1.4: Learn to help yourself
Lesson 2: Activities and intents
- 2.1: Activities and intents
- 2.2: Activity lifecycle and state
- 2.3: Implicit intents
Lesson 3: Testing, debugging, and using support libraries
- 3.1: The debugger
- 3.2: Unit tests
- 3.3: Support libraries
Unit 2: User experience
Lesson 4: User interaction
- 4.1: Clickable images
- 4.2: Input controls
- 4.3: Menus and pickers
- 4.4: User navigation
- 4.5: RecyclerView
Lesson 5: Delightful user experience
- 5.1: Drawables, styles, and themes
- 5.2: Cards and colors
- 5.3: Adaptive layouts
Lesson 6:Testing your UI
- 6.1: Espresso for UI testing
Unit 3: Working in the background
Lesson 7: Background tasks
- 7.1: AsyncTask
- 7.2: AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader
- 7.3: Broadcast receivers
Lesson 8: Alarms and schedulers
- 8.1: Notifications
- 8.2: The alarm manager
- 8.3: JobScheduler
Unit 4: Saving user data
Lesson 9: Preferences and settings
- 9.1: Shared preferences
- 9.2: App settings
Lesson 10: Storing data with Room
- 10.1 Part A: Room, LiveData, and ViewModel
- 10.1 Part B: Deleting data from a Room database