Iphone runs on an operating system called iOS and is a part of Mac OS X. It includes core animation software component and Power VR hardware. Motion graphics is interfaced with i-phone due to iOS.The best part of this operating system is it takes less than half gigabyte. An i-Phone facilities like audio conferencing, call holding, call merger, caller ID etc. Music libraries in i-Phone divide songs according to artists, albums and videos. Graphical list of available applications are available on screen. Earlier i-Phone runs one application at a time. But the new operating systems helped it achieving multi tasking. Multitasking had been introduced to market as i- Phone4 is launched. After this, iOS7 upgraded it by running more than one open application in background. For e.g. i-Phone allows user to listen music, receive notification and record GPS data at same time. Customizable home screen allows to access active widgets.

  • Introduction to IOS Application

  • Installation and Configuration

  • Introduction to Swift & IOS Development

  • The Swift Language Basic Syntax

  • The Swift Language Object-Oriented Programming

  • Building Your First App

  • Creating & Configuring Scroll Views

  • Implementing Navigation with the Tab Bar Controller

  • Delegate Design pattern

  • Target & Action Design Pattern

  • View Controllers

  • UITable View and UITable View Controller

  • Displaying Sets of Data: Table View

  • UI Tab Bar Controller

  • Displaying Sets of Data: Collection View

  • Data Persistence

  • Data Persistence with FileManager

  • Property Lists

  • Gesture Programming

  • Implementing Gesture Recognition

  • Database Storage

  • Create Project

  • Threading

  • XML Programming

  • JSON Programming

  • Working with menus & Dialogs

  • Notification

  • Camera

  • Playing Audio And Video

  • Animation Programming

  • Core Location Framework

  • Address Book framework

  • Map Kit Framework

  • Web Services Interaction I-Pad Basics

  • Memory management Tools

  • Social Sharing

  • Advanced Feature

  • Storyboard

  • Performance and Debugging

  • SQL Queries in IOS

  • Creating Auto Layouts

  • Web Services

  • Implement Third Party Libraries

  • App Store Basics

  • Final Projects